University of Liverpool submits plans for new performance venue


University of Liverpool, Arts and Humanities Centre, picture courtesy of Ellis Williams Architects

Liverpool is set to get a new 400 seater venue and Getintothis’ Michael Maloney has all the details.

It seems as every month passes another venue closes or is threatened with closure so it’s welcome news to hear of plans for a purpose-built venue.

If approved the newly built auditorium will become a part of the University of Liverpool’s School of Arts and Humanities and will be accessible to the public as well as students of the university. The 400 seater venue will feature state of the art acoustic technology to ensure an optimum acoustic profile for every performance.

The University’s vision is that the venue will “sit alongside the UK’s leading concert venues” and will complement Liverpool’s existing venues.

The building will be located a stone’s throw from the Philharmonic Hall on Grove Street and will offer a variety of concerts including jazz, folk and classical performances, the space is large enough to accommodate a 70 piece orchestra.

The venue will also provide university students a chance to gain hands-on experience of working on a number of roles related to music and live events including event management, artist liaison, sound recording and live broadcasting.

Music venues in crisis

The new space will add to the region’s collection of excellent educational venues, which includes Hope University‘s Capstone Theatre – the recent host of Liverpool International Jazz Festival – and Edge Hill University‘s The Art Centre where Getintothis’ Deep Cuts Away Day takes place later this month.

It will also no doubt be an extra bow to Liverpool’s status as one of UNESCO’s Cities of Music and hopefully can help the city retain some of the musical talent who passes through its universities each year.

If approved building work is expected to start later in the year.



