Hot Club De Paris: Barfly, Liverpool


Nothing this homegrown lot do should work. It always does. William Plant gets involved.

Mixing So. Cal punk and Liverpool indie shouldn’t work but then Hot Club De Paris aren’t taking any notice.
Playing at the Barfly Theatre, crowd fresh from mixing with the hardcore acts upstairs, the mood was jovial and intense.
Perhaps not the best time to be playing their mix of melodic indie punk but the crowd lapped up every broken time signature and bass drum beat.
Singer Matt Smith and guitarist Al kept the pace with witty banter and instucted the crowd on the proper height to play the bass.
The set overall was a mix of the old and true and ending with a couple of newbies that were eagerly received.
Tight guitars and drums were present and the vocals were pitch perfect.
Overall a fun time had by all and it just goes to show that there’s a lot more to the Liverpool music scene than guys in Beatles mops singing about some girl they had a fling with.

Hey! Housebrick
Hot Club


