Liverpool Sound City 2012: TOY: The Kazimier, Liverpool


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Liverpool Sound City 2012 welcome hot tips, TOY, yet Getintothis’ Liam Fay finds little to get overly excited about. Time to up your game gentlemen.

Their hair hangs like a pendulum over their faces. On first sight it looks as if we could be in for an outrageous evening of hair metal.
We are not though. Thank God, we hate hair metal. Instead it will be some vaguely psychedelia infused indie bunch TOY.
Getintothis has been looking forward to this having heard singles Motoring and Left Myself Behind all over BBC 6Music recently.
They don’t usually miss a trick do those 6Music kids, those nerd of the alternative and cult. However, this was ultimately a lacklustre performance.
The five of them, surrounded by every other band’s kit for the evening, barely fit on stage. There isn’t much wiggle room. There isn’t much wiggling.
TOY live at Liverpol Sound City 2012 BLOG.jpg
A wall of sound is put up which the audience never threaten to break down. To give them their due they do go loud, giving it the bifters whilst hiding behind their luscious barnets. Draping like a curtain of insatiable, hairy mystery.
Aside from their mops there isn’t too much to get excited about. Everything sounds the same. There are occasional tastes of sweet synth emanating from Alejandra Diez‘s Korg but they get lost amidst the fury of guitar, bass and drum.
Second single, the aformentioned, Motoring is the stand out track of their slot. Not only fantastic comparatively but it also sounds superb in isolation. Everything blends perfectly. It drives…every pun intended.
They need to add more to this set to avoid tonight’s problem. Practically everything sounds the same.
Pictures by Conor McDonnell.


