Win! Pick up the greatest records of all time with these snazzy guitar plectrums in our competition thing

Snazzy guitar picks

Snazzy guitar picks

Getintothis offers two sets of readers the chance to win these classic album guitar picks.

When Thom Yorke sang ‘anyone can play guitar‘ he was wrong. Well, he was right, anyone can – albeit some pretty badly.

However, god bless the triers among you out there who fail to progress past Nirvana‘s Polly or even just the Come As You Are intro.

But fret (sorry) not – he’s a tidy little motivational competition to get you in the mood for more practice as we offer two sets of readers the chance to win these snazzy plectrums featuring some of the greatest records of all time. And Green Day‘s Dookie.

To win the set just like our Facebook page and answering the following question:

What was Jimi Hendrix’s birth name?

a) Johnny Allen Hendrix

b) Steve Hendrix

c) Kevin Hendrix

d) Geoff Hendrix

Here’s a boss riff.

The giveaway is courtesy of this lot who sell second hand musical instruments at a fraction of the price of new instruments. Which is a good thing.


