As Boomtown gets ready, Getintothis’ Micheal Bennett gets all giddy over the line up and gives a personal preview that doesn’t involve Tasha from accounting or Paul from HR.
Imagine escaping the conforms of our dreary day to day reality, that office job you hate so much with Tasha from accounting, the one who stinks of fake tan or Paul from HR who reeks of enthusiasm, to just break away and delve head first into a long weekend of the purest, unadulterated, escapist, debauchery, tailored specifically for your every need.
Imagine if someone has taken all your wildest, most unspoken desires and delivered them to you, hand wrapped in the finest Peruvian silk, a sense of what life would be like if you took a trip down Route 66 in the company of Raoul Duke & Dr. Gonzo, only exchange the feral surroundings of the Nevada desert for the leafy, hill stricken valleys of south west of England…
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Boomtown Fair, Chapter 9: Behind the Mask.
You’re probably thinking Boomtown have stuffed a oner in my pocket to write this but, i genuinely feel this much love for the festival. Its not just a money spinner like many festivals seem to be these days.
It’s a roots festival. It stems from illegal raves and anti establishment ideals, everything I’m about if you remember the Milk:Studio days…
Last year I was deflowered by Boomtown. An experience i’ll never forget, nothing can really prepare you for what you’re getting yourself into. Even now as I write about attending the next installation, I can’t fathom what they have up their sleeve.
This is Chapter 9 in an ever growing saga. Don’t just attend this festival, familiarise yourself with the concept, the back story, this is a festival with a narrative. This is your chance to be one part of it.
Glastonbury 2017: The best bands and what we learned from Worthy Farm
Picks for this year’s Boomtown session are as follows:
The Specials: The Lions Den
The Specials, they shaped my youth, had me wearing ill-fitting three piece suits and pork pie hats screaming ‘LITTLE BITCH!’ at the top of my lungs. The Specials have become second nature to me through various secluded flats sat knee deep in vinyl. These, much like Madness last year are the perfect headliner in my eyes. A magic melee of depression ridden, tell-it-how-it-is, straight up ska. A well received hit of nostalgia. I can’t wait.
L.A Salami: Whistlers Green
Signed to a joint venture between Sunday Best & Domino Records, DIY troubadour L.A Salami is currently riding the highways of Europe and soon to be stateside with a New York show set for July 31. Championed by the PRS Foundation and currently sponsored by Fender this Londoner is on a steady rise to success. He seems to have something to say so i’ll be sure to listen.
Kid Carpet: Kidztown
I’m a sucker for lo-fi DIY experimental vibes but this just takes the cake. This guy creates an intricate series of melodies using nothing more than children’s toys. He drops some weirdly engaging Squeezesque vocals and
offer you up a mini masterpiece. He’s been at for for years, I can’t believe I’ve not come across him sooner. Deffo
one to check out.
Lakuta: Wild West
Signed to Tru Thoughts, the ensemble reference a wide range of genres in their writing, blending traditional instruments with a modern, hard-hitting sound. With members hailing from Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Malaysia, Spain and the UK, Lakuta is a truly global mix of musicians who draw on a deep love of jazz, funk, soul and world music to create a fierce, driving sound. I’m in.
I’m serious when I say this is THE best festival experience I have ever had. Grab your ticket now
because they’re selling like hot cakes.
Boomtown – Winchester – August 10 – 13