Best photographs of August 2019: Arts Bar, Jimmy’s, Bloodstock and Rebellion

Liverpool Arts Bar

Liverpool Arts Bar (Warren Millar)

Two new venues and a summer of festivals are the main themes as the Getintothis photographic team deliver their finest shots from August.

It seems like it’s been a quiet month, but a quick review of what we’ve been up to shows there’s been considerable activity going on.

Liverpool has welcomed two new venues this month, Jimmy’s and The Arts Bar on Hope Street.

This follows on from the arrival of Alberts Schenke on Hanover Street last month. All three look to be big hitters.

Jimmy’s in particular opened with a bang having The Coral on its first public outing, swiftly followed by The Blinders all dayer. The venue is fast making a name for itself and the team are working hard booking as many gigs as they can.

The Arts Bar also appears to have hit the ground running. It’s a cool quiet oasis during the day, where you could settle down with a pint and fire off a few emails, and a live music venue in the evening.

It’s sure to become a Getintothis fave.

August also means festival season and we’ve been out and about at events as diverse as Rebellion, Bloodstock, Cotton Clouds, We Out Here and Green Man.

Closer to home the Bank Holiday weekend has seen Creamfields, the Florrie Fest and Future Yard.

See our other monthly photo round ups

So, even though it’s been a bit quiet on the gig front, there has been plenty to keep us occupied.

We’re not all about music, as this month’s selection of photos shows. We hope you enjoy them.





